Leonardo De ArtBot has come to Second Life


After many years, the artistic bot (artbot) Leonardo De ArtBot decided to visit the electronic world of Second Life.

Leonardo from 04/16/2020 – 06/02/2020 will present his and not his three works: RandomArt, Hemmed, VoxelArt.

Visit Leonardo, admire his work and/also listen to music.


  1. Max. number of avatars on the parcel – 30
  2. The same rules as on other parcels, regions.
  3. After reaching the limit – throwing away newcomers from the parcel +1h admission ban. If you receive a temporary ban, visit the plot later.
  4. Permission for longer arriving on the parcel to listen to the music.
  5. The owner may temporarily close open access to the parcel to carry out, e.g. inspections, closed events for the selected group. Follow Leonard’s Facebook profile to receive information.
  6. After creating the work, next can be created after 15 minutes.
Leonardo De ArtBot has come to Second Life
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