Xerte Online Toolkits is a web-based tool for quick and easy placement of training materials. Materials can be enriched with Xerte materials.
Translated into Polish
How to install?
- Download the development version: https://github.com/thexerteproject/xerteonlinetoolkits/archive/develop.zip,
- unpack on the web server,
- create a database
- load the XOT page in the browser,
- follow the on-screen instructions
- Log in to http://xertetrans.xerte.org.uk/index.php login and password: guest
- Select Polish from the list
- Click both buttons: Generate XOT Package and Generate Xerte Package
- load both zip files via the admin page – add /management.php to the end of the address,
- Sign In,
- then load both in turn as language files
- if you get a message saying something is wrong, try again
Xerte Online Toolkits